by Andrew O'Rourke

Technical Writing
Communications Guidance
Community Management & Coordination


I'm Andrew, the author of Petrichor Chronicles. With a decade of experience in technical writing, communications guidance, and community management, I've honed my skills to simplify complex concepts and create compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. My passion lies in fostering open communication, building supportive communities, and optimizing interactions for maximum impact.Upon striking out on my own I realized the importance of effective written communication. Over the years, my expertise has expanded to include developing narrative systems, streamlining processes, and creating impactful content. I pride myself on my ability to articulate complex ideas in a simple yet meaningful way, enabling groups to understand and appreciate the essence of the message for collaboration.I offer a range of services, including technical writing, communications guidance, community management, and coordination. I believe in the value of transparency, especially when it comes to cost, and work closely with my clients to deliver exceptional services at competitive rates.As a skilled professional with a passion for creative thinking and thoughtful communication, I strive to leave a positive impact on every project I undertake. Let's work together to craft the perfect message, cultivate a thriving community, and inspire growth for your business.



Technical writing services translate complex concepts into easily digestible content. I aim to simplify your message, ensuring your audience comprehends your ideas and message. With precision and attention to detail, I craft well-structured, user-friendly documents tailored to your target audience.


Communications guidance focuses on creating powerful connections through strategic messaging. I help you align your communication with your brand values, ensuring consistency and clarity. With my expertise, I'll help you navigate the intricacies of audience engagement.


Moderation aims to cultivate vibrant, supportive communities. My community management and coordination services ensure your online spaces remain inviting, well-organized, and conducive to growth. By fostering positive interactions, I'll help you build a strong foundation of trust and camaraderie among your community members.


I believe in the value of open communication and transparency, especially when it comes to cost. I understand that discussing budgets can be a sensitive topic, but I'm here to break down that barrier and work with you to achieve your goals without breaking the bank. My competitive rates are designed to provide you with exceptional services at a price that makes sense for your business. When you invest in moderation, consultation, and information management services, you're not only enhancing your online community experience but also fostering long-term growth and success for your business.


Crafting and maintaining documentation services, including memos, policies, and procedures, typically charge between $35 and $75 per hour. Rates may vary based on the industry and the technical nature of the documents.


Consultation and training services for community leaders and managers can range from $35 to $50 per hour, depending on the project's scope and the specific services being offered.


Content and chat moderation services typically charge per event or time period. Depending on the specific community's complexity and requirements, this cost can be between $100 - $300 per event or $1000 - $1500 per month.


It's time to take the next step. Reach out to me today, and together, we'll craft the perfect message, nurture a thriving community, and take your business forward.